We've added a couple of new features this evening.
Duplicate Flights
First up, the ability to duplicate flights. This should make life a lot easier if you're adding multiple identical or near identical flights. Everything about the flight will be duplicated, except for an attached file. Here's what to do:
- From the flights page, click on the flight you want to duplicate.
- There is a new "duplicate flight" button. Click it, and the flight will be duplicated immediately.
- You can then edit the new duplicated flight if needed.
Back Seat Option for Glider Pilots
For gliding it can be useful to know how much time you've had flying from the back seat, so we've added a tickbox for this on the edit flight page.
The stats page now shows the time and number of flights for this under the 'Types of Flight' menu.
I guess this might also be useful for jet fighter pilots :)