Welcome to WentFlying Pilot Logbook

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Welcome to WentFlying! After many months of work, wentflying.com is now up and running.

I'm a glider pilot and web developer based in the Waikato, New Zealand. I spent quite a bit of time looking at various electronic logbook systems and never found one that seemed to fit, so developed my own. Here's what I was going for:

  • A smart design.
  • Simple to use, and quick to insert aircraft and flights.
  • A reasonable price.
  • Compatible with Macs.
  • A companion iPhone application, to add flight times at the airfield before I forget them.
  • Support for gliding as well as power flying.
  • The ability to write a flying journal, and perhaps store a few pictures.

A logbook system fits the web very well. It also has the side benefit of being compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhones and most any other web browsers.

So wentflying.com has launched. It's not perfect, but it does most of what's listed in the list above. The graphic design isn't quite finished, and there's no iPhone version yet, however it's an excellent starting point.

Check out the demo account, or for more details see the website.

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