The official news and tips blog for online flying pilot logbook and journal.

Updated graphs, now working on iPad/iPhones

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    1 comment

We've recently updated the graphs to use a Javascript graphing library instead of a Flash based system.

They look very similar, but you can now turn on/off individual lines by clicking on a legend item. They should load on devices that don't support Flash any more such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

If anyone spots any problems with the new graphs, please let me know.

IGC Logfile Splitter

Posted 14 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Have you ever had a log file that has multiple flights on it and want to split it up? This is a common problem when gliding and doing circuits, so we've created a simple IGC log file splitter.

Available at

WentFlying is now Free

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Yes completely free. We want as many people as possible using WentFlying, so what better way to do it.

We have added a donation button to the bottom of all pages, so if you want to help please feel free to donate. Your donations will go to cover hosting costs and development time.

Print your NZ gliding logbook

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

The latest feature of WentFlying is the ability to print out your New Zealand gliding logbook. We have to keep a paper logbook, so this saves a lot of duplication.

You can record your flights in WentFlying, then simply print out pages to glue into your real life logbook. You can print starting from any flight, and it adds totals to each page.

This is allowed withing New Zealand CAA rules, as defined in part 61

We'll be aiming to add other types of logbooks in the future.

New Feature: Previous Flying History

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

If you've been flying for 50 years you probably don't want to enter your entire flying career into WentFlying.

Now in the admin you can enter the hours that you're up to when you start using WentFlying.

Currently this is only for basic flying time, we may add the options for aircraft, engine or gear type time, depending on demand.


New Features: Duplicate flights & Back Seat Option

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

We've added a couple of new features this evening.

Duplicate Flights

First up, the ability to duplicate flights. This should make life a lot easier if you're adding multiple identical or near identical flights. Everything about the flight will be duplicated, except for an attached file. Here's what to do:

  • From the flights page, click on the flight you want to duplicate.
  • There is a new "duplicate flight" button. Click it, and the flight will be duplicated immediately.
  • You can then edit the new duplicated flight if needed.

Back Seat Option for Glider Pilots

For gliding it can be useful to know how much time you've had flying from the back seat, so we've added a tickbox for this on the edit flight page.

The stats page now shows the time and number of flights for this under the 'Types of Flight' menu.

I guess this might also be useful for jet fighter pilots :)

The new duplicate button, and back seat option
The new duplicate button, and back seat option

US aircraft database added

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

We've just added the entire United States aircraft database to our existing database of Australian and New Zealand aircraft. That takes us to over 300,000 aircraft!

The reason for this big database is to make it easy for you to add an aircraft into your logbook. If the registration matches an aircraft we've loaded, most of the details are added for you automatically.

It is however quite easy to add/edit aircraft manually, incase your country hasn't been added yet, or if there is some missing information.

Unfortunately the UK database isn't available for download, so we won't be adding that anytime soon. If you want us to try and load your country let us know.

New Zealand VFR Reporting Points for Garmin GPS's

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    1 comment

Reporting points on the Garmin 60CSx
Reporting points on the Garmin 60CSx
For those flying VFR in New Zealand, I've put together a Garmin GPX file of all the VFR reporting points. These points can be viewed in Garmin MapSource (or RoadTrip), or on any Garmin mapping device.

They've been made to have a red and white navigation icon, so they really stand out clearly on the screen, and look different to other waypoints you may have.

This file was created from the VFR reporting points PDF file available on the CAA website, available from this page.

If you have any questions or comments about this file please use the comments section or contact Tim here.


  • The points in this file have not been checked for accuracy.
  • The file was generated automatically from the text extracted from the PDF file from CAA on the 16th April 2009.
  • As CAA states in the PDF file, "pilots must be careful not to rely on GPS or other GNSS derived positioning to reach visual reporting points due to the elevated risk of encountering other aircraft due to the extreme accuracy of such navigation systems. When approaching visual reporting points, the primary navigation means by VFR pilots should always be by visual reference."
  • Do not use this file or these points while flying, always refer to an official Visual Navigation Chart, available for purchase here.


How to use

  • Download the GPX file above, and save it somewhere on your hard drive eg. your desktop
  • In MapSource on Windows, choose "File"->"Open" from the main menu. If you're on a Mac choose "File" -> "Import" from the menubar.
  • On Windows Ensure "Files of Type" is set to "GPS eXchange Format (*.gpx)" or "All Files (*.*)"
  • Find and select the file.
  • If you're on a Mac check the Road Trip preferences that the "transfer" tab will send waypoints.
  • Upload the waypoints to your GPS.

Overview of the whole of New Zealand in RoadTrip on Mac
Overview of the whole of New Zealand in RoadTrip on Mac

Close up of Waikato and Auckland in RoadTrip on Mac
Close up of Waikato and Auckland in RoadTrip on Mac

Close up of Hamilton in MapSource on Windows
Close up of Hamilton in MapSource on Windows


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